IIT People Search

Carmela Calabrese

Post Doc
Humanoid Sensing and Perception
Research center
Carmela Calabrese received her Bachelor and Master degrees in Control Engineering from the University of Naples- Federico II in 2014 and 2017, respectively. Her master thesis focused on the development and analysis of a nonlinear mathematical model for intra- and inter-brains synchronisation emerging during human coordination tasks. In March 2021, she got her joint Ph.D. degree both in Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, and in Human Movement Science, as the result of a joint program between the University of Naples and the University of Montpellier, funded by the "Vinci Programme 2017" scholarship. Her doctoral work dealt with the application of nonlinear control theory, focusing on the analysis and modelling of human movement coordination and leadership emergence during cooperative tasks, useful for exergames’ development for impaired people, e.g. autistic children. In September 2021, she joined the Systems Neuroscience Institute of the Aix-Marseille University. Her research goals concerned computational neuroscience, focusing on the estimation of epileptogenic zones in drug-resistant patients and the analysis of structural connectivity influence on the inference process; development of a mean-field nonlinear model of a biophysical neuronal network driven by conductance-based ion exchange and synaptic plasticity dynamics. 

Since February 2023, she is a Postdoctoral researcher in the Humanoid Sensing and Perception Group at the Italian Institute of Technology in Genova. She is currently working on social robotics, focusing on computer vision and AI-algorithms to improve the "human likeness" of humanoid robots in cooperative scenarios, in particular with patients affected by social disorders (e.g., autism).


All Publications
Calabrese C., Berti S., Pasquale G., Natale L.
Exploring Bias in Compositional Zero-shot action recognition
Workshop on Adjustable Autonomy and Physical Embodied Intelligence, European Conference On Artificial Intelligence
Abstract Report Conference
Calabrese C., Berti S., Pasquale G., Natale L.
The Impact of Compositionality in Zero-Shot Multi-Label Action Recognition for Object-Based Tasks
The 33rd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, IEEE RO-MAN 2024
Conference Paper Conference
Caroppo E., Sapienza M., Mazza M., Sannella A., Cecchi R., Marano G., Kondo T., Calabrese C., De Lellis P.
Unveiling the Dark Nexus: A systematic review on the interplay of mental health, substance abuse, and socio-cultural factors in femicide
Legal Medicine, vol. 67
Caroppo E., Calabrese C., Mazza M., Rinaldi A., Coluzzi D., Napoli P., Sapienza M., Rosso A., Perrelli F., Rita F., Colosimo F., Bosio M., Monfrinotti I., Porfiri M., De Lellis P.
Migrants’ mental health recovery in Italian reception facilities
Communications Medicine, vol. 3, (no. 1)
Calabrese C., Bardy B.G., De Lellis P., di Bernardo M.
Modeling Frequency Reduction in Human Groups Performing a Joint Oscillatory Task
Frontiers in Psychology, vol. 12