IIT People Search

Pietro Balatti

Lead Software Engineer, Ph.D.
Senior Technician
Human-Robot Interfaces and Interaction
Research center

Pietro Balatti is lead software engineer at the Human-Robot Interfaces and Interaction Lab, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia. He received his PhD degree, cum laude, in Robotics and Automation from University of Pisa and IIT in 2021. He received the  BD and the MD, cum laude, in computer science and engineering from Politecnico di Milano, Italy, in 2014 and 2016, respectively. He is involved in the EU Horizon-2020 projects SOPHIA and CONCERT, and also active in technology transfer initiatives with several industrial partners, as the Robotics for Manufacturing (R4M) lab of the Leonardo labs and the JOiiNT lab at Kilometro Rosso Innovation District. He was responsible for the robot control framework in the team "CoAware" that won the KUKA Innovation Award in April 2018, winner of the Solution Award 2019 (MECSPE2019), and finalist of Solution Award 2020 (MECSPE2020). His main research interests are focused in the enhancement of robot interaction autonomy, within the fields of adaptive impedance control, mobile manipulation, tele-operation, and physical human-robot interaction.

All Publications
Raei H., Gandarias J., De Momi E., Balatti P., Ajoudani A.
A Multipurpose Interface for Close- and Far-Proximity Control of Mobile Collaborative Robots
10th IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference for Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronic
Conference Paper Conference
Fortuna A., Lorenzini M., Leonori M., Gandarias JM., Balatti P., Cho Y., De Momi E., Ajoudani A.
A Personalizable Controller for the Walking Assistive omNi-Directional Exo-Robot (WANDER)
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
Conference Paper Conference
Balatti P., Ozdamar I., Sirintuna D., Fortini L., Leonori M., Gandarias JM., Ajoudani A.
Robot-Assisted Navigation for Visually Impaired through Adaptive Impedance and Path Planning
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
Conference Paper Conference
Giammarino A., Gandarias JM., Balatti P., Leonori M., Lorenzini M., Ajoudani A.
SUPER-MAN: SUPERnumerary Robotic Bodies for Physical Assistance in HuMAN-Robot Conjoined Actions
Article Journal
Zhang X., Balatti P., Leonori M., Ajoudani A.
A Human Motion Compensation Framework for a Supernumerary Robotic Arm
IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots
Conference Paper Conference
Balatti P.
100 Rodari: prove ed errori - Perché gli scienziati hanno bisogno di sbagliare
Festival della scienza 2020
Public Event
Balatti P.
Robotica collaborativa: sinergia tra intelligenza umana e prestazioni fisiche delle tecnologie contemporanee
Web Marketing Festival 2020
Public Event
Scientific Talks
Balatti P.
A Collaborative Robotic Approach to Autonomous Pallet Jack Transportation and Positioning
University of Texas at Arlington
Awards and Achievements
Balatti P., Ozdamar I., Sirintuna D., Fortini L., Gandarias J., Ajoudani A.
ICRA 2024 Best Paper Award in Human-Robot Interaction Finalist
Du Y., Zhang X., Leonori M., Balatti P., Jin J., Wang Q., Ajoudani A.
Best Conference Paper Award Finalist at ARSO 2023
Fortini L., Leonori M., Balatti P., Ajoudani A.
SmartCup Liguria Award (industry category)
Balatti P., Lamon E., Fusaro F., Ajoudani A.
Finalist of the MECSPE Solution Award 2020
Kim W., Lorenzini M., Balatti P., Ajoudani A.
Winner of the MECSPE Solution Award 2019