IIT Publications Search

Mandelli V., Severino I., Eyler L., Pierce K., Courchesne E., Lombardo M.V.
A 3D approach to understanding heterogeneity in early developing autisms
Molecular Autism, vol. 15, (no. 1)
Article Journal
Ho N.C.W., Bethlehem R.A.I., Seidlitz J., Nogovitsyn N., Metzak P., Ballester P.L., Hassel S., Rotzinger S., Poppenk J., Lam R.W., Taylor V.H., Milev R., Adamson C., Adler S., Alexander-Bloch A.F., Anagnostou E., Anderson K.M., Areces-Gonzalez A., Astle D.E., Auyeung B., Ayub M., Bae J.B., Ball G., Baron-Cohen S., Beare R., Bedford S.A., Benegal V., Beyer F., Blangero J., Cabez M.B., Boardman J.P., Borzage M., Bosch-Bayard J.F., Bourke N., Bullmore E.T., Calhoun V.D., Chakravarty M.M., Chen C., Chertavian C., Chetelat G., Chong Y.S., Corvin A., Costantino M., Courchesne E., Crivello F., Cropley V.L., Crosbie J., Crossley N., Delarue M., Delorme R., Desrivieres S., Devenyi G., Di Biase M.A., Dolan R., Donald K.A., Donohoe G., Dorfschmidt L., Dunlop K., Edwards A.D., Elison J.T., Ellis C.T., Elman J.A., Eyler L., Fair D.A., Fletcher P.C., Fonagy P., Franz C.E., Galan-Garcia L., Gholipour A., Giedd J., Gilmore J.H., Glahn D.C., Goodyer I.M., Grant P.E., Groenewold N.A., Gudapati S., Gunning F.M., Gur R.E., Gur R.C., Hammill C.F., Hansson O., Hedden T., Heinz A., Henson R.N., Heuer K., Hoare J., Holla B., Holmes A.J., Huang H., Ipser J., Jack C.R., Jackowski A.P., Jia T., Jones D.T., Jones P.B., Kahn R.S., Karlsson H., Karlsson L., Kawashima R., Kelley E.A., Kern S., Kim K.-W., Kitzbichler M.G., Kremen W.S., Lalonde F., Landeau B., Lerch J., Lewis J.D., Li J., Liao W., Liston C., Lombardo M.V., Lv J., Mallard T.T., Marcelis M., Mathias S.R., Mazoyer B., McGuire P., Meaney M.J., Mechelli A., Misic B., Morgan S.E., Mothersill D., Ortinau C., Ossenkoppele R., Ouyang M., Palaniyappan L., Paly L., Pan P.M., Pantelis C., Park M.T.M., Paus T., Pausova Z., Paz-Linares D., Binette A.P., Pierce K., Qian X., Qiu A., Raznahan A., Rittman T., Rodrigue A., Rollins C.K., Romero-Garcia R., Ronan L., Rosenberg M.D., Rowitch D.H., Salum G.A., Satterthwaite T.D., Schaare H.L., Schabdach J., Schachar R.J., Scholl M., Schultz A.P., Sharp D., Shinohara R.T., Skoog I., Smyser C.D., Sperling R.A., Stein D.J., Stolicyn A., Suckling J., Sullivan G., Thyreau B., Toro R., Traut N., Tsvetanov K.A., Turk-Browne N.B., Tuulari J.J., Tzourio C., Vachon-Presseau E., Valdes-Sosa M.J., Valdes-Sosa P.A., Valk S.L., van Amelsvoort T., Vandekar S.N., Vasung L., Vertes P.E., Victoria L.W., Villeneuve S., Villringer A., Vogel J.W., Wagstyl K., Wang Y.-S.S., Warfield S.K., Warrier V., Westman E., Westwater M.L., Whalley H.C., White S.R., Witte A.V., Yang N., Yeo B.T.T., Yun H.J., Zalesky A., Zar H.J., Zettergren A., Zhou J.H., Ziauddeen H., Zimmerman D., Zugman A., Zuo X.-N.N., Frey B.N., Harkness K.L., Addington J., Kennedy S.H.
Atypical Brain Aging and Its Association With Working Memory Performance in Major Depressive Disorder
Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, vol. 9, (no. 8), pp. 786-799
Article Journal
Bedford S.A., Lai M.-C., Lombardo M.V., Chakrabarti B., Ruigrok A., Suckling J., Anagnostou E., Lerch J.P., Taylor M., Nicolson R., Stelios G., Crosbie J., Schachar R., Kelley E., Jones J., Arnold P.D., Courchesne E., Pierce K., Eyler L.T., Campbell K., Barnes C.C., Seidlitz J., Alexander-Bloch A.F., Bullmore E.T., Baron-Cohen S., Bethlehem R.A.I., Bailey A.J., Bolton P.F., Carrington S., Catani M., Craig M.C., Daly E.M., Deoni S.C.L., Ecker C., Happe F., Henty J., Jezzard P., Johnston P., Jones D.K., Madden A., Mullins D., Murphy C.M., Murphy D.G.M., Pasco G., Ruigrok A.N.V., Sadek S.A., Spain D., Stewart R., Wheelwright S.J., Williams S.C.
Brain-Charting Autism and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Reveals Distinct and Overlapping Neurobiology
Biological Psychiatry
Article Journal
Areces-Gonzalez A., Paz-Linares D., Riaz U., Wang Y., Li M., Razzaq F.A., Bosch-Bayard J.F., Gonzalez-Moreira E., Lifespan Brain Chart Consortium L. B. C. C., Ontivero-Ortega M., Galan-Garcia L., Martinez-Montes E., Minati L., Valdes-Sosa M.J., Bringas-Vega M.L., Valdes-Sosa P.A.
CiftiStorm pipeline: facilitating reproducible EEG/MEG source connectomics
Frontiers in Neuroscience, vol. 18
Dear R., Wagstyl K., Seidlitz J., Markello R.D., Arnatkeviciute A., Anderson K.M., Bethlehem R.A.I., Lifespan Brain Chart Consortium L. B. C. C., Raznahan A., Bullmore E.T., Vertes P.E.
Cortical gene expression architecture links healthy neurodevelopment to the imaging, transcriptomics and genetics of autism and schizophrenia
Nature Neuroscience, vol. 27, (no. 6), pp. 1075-1086
Article Journal
Leyhausen J., Schafer T., Gurr C., Berg L.M., Seelemeyer H., Pretzsch C.M., Loth E., Oakley B., Buitelaar J.K., Beckmann C.F., Floris D.L., Charman T., Bourgeron T., Banaschewski T., Jones E.J.H., Tillmann J., Chatham C., Ahmad J., Ambrosino S., Auyeung B., Baron-Cohen S., Baumeister S., Bolte S., Bours C., Brammer M., Brandeis D., Brogna C., de Bruijn Y., Chakrabarti B., Cornelissen I., Crawley D., Dell'Acqua F., Dumas G., Durston S., Ecker C., Faulkner J., Frouin V., Garces P., Goyard D., Ham L., Hayward H., Hipp J., Holt R., Johnson M.H., Kundu P., Lai M.-C., D'ardhuy X.L., Lombardo M.V., Lythgoe D.J., Mandl R., Marquand A., Mason L., Mennes M., Meyer-Lindenberg A., Moessnang C., Bast N., O'Dwyer L., Oldehinkel M., Oranje B., Pandina G., Persico A.M., Ruggeri B., Ruigrok A., Sabet J., Sacco R., San Jose Caceres A., Simonoff E., Spooren W., Toro R., Tost H., Waldman J., Williams S.C.R., Wooldridge C., Zwiers M.P., Murphy D.G.
Differences in Intrinsic Gray Matter Connectivity and Their Genomic Underpinnings in Autism Spectrum Disorder
Biological Psychiatry, vol. 95, (no. 2), pp. 175-186
Duan K., Eyler L., Pierce K., Lombardo M.V., Datko M., Hagler D.J., Taluja V., Zahiri J., Campbell K., Barnes C.C., Arias S., Nalabolu S., Troxel J., Ji P., Courchesne E.
Differences in regional brain structure in toddlers with autism are related to future language outcomes
Nature Communications, vol. 15, (no. 1)
Bertelsen N., Mancini G., Sastre-Yagüe D., Vitale A., Lorenz G. M., Malerba S.B., Bolis D., Martínez-Cañada P., Gozzi A., Panzeri S., Lombardo M.
Electrophysiologically-defined excitation-inhibition autism neurosubtypes
Article E-print Archive
Courchesne E., Taluja V., Nazari S., Aamodt C.M., Pierce K., Duan K., Stophaeros S., Lopez L., Barnes C.C., Troxel J., Campbell K., Wang T., Hoekzema K., Eichler E.E., Nani J.V., Pontes W., Sanchez S.S., Lombardo M.V., de Souza J.S., Hayashi M.A.F., Muotri A.R.
Embryonic origin of two ASD subtypes of social symptom severity: the larger the brain cortical organoid size, the more severe the social symptoms
Molecular Autism, vol. 15, (no. 1)
Article Journal
Mandelli V., Landi I., Ceccarelli S.B., Molteni M., Nobile M., D'Ausilio A., Fadiga L., Crippa A., Lombardo M.V.
Enhanced motor noise in an autism subtype with poor motor skills
Molecular Autism, vol. 15, (no. 1)
Article Journal
Hardie I., Murray A., King J., Hall H.A., Okelo K., Luedecke E., Marryat L., Thompson L., Minnis H., Lombardo M., Wilson P., Auyeung B.
Investigating low birth weight and preterm birth as potential mediators in the relationship between prenatal infections and early child development: A linked administrative health data analysis
Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health
Stuefer A., Balasco L., Colombo G., Gini S., Coletta L., DEpifanio B., Rocchi F., Montani C., Alvino F.G., Sastre-Yagüe D., Galbusera A., Aldrighetti M., Mandrup Bertozzi S., Lau Poui Cheung P., Papaleo F., Iurilli G., Armirotti A., Bozzi Y., Cancedda L., Lombardo M., Gozzi A.
Neocortical Excitation/Inhibition Imbalance During Early Development Leads to Permanent Socio-Behavioral, Transcriptomic and Connectivity Alterations
Gordon Research Conference - Fragile X and Autism Related Disorders
Poster Conference
Pretzsch C.M., Arenella M., Lerch J.P., Lombardo M.V., Beckmann C., Schaefer T., Leyhausen J., Gurr C., Bletsch A., Berg L.M., Seelemeyer H., Floris D.L., Oakley B., Loth E., Bourgeron T., Charman T., Buitelaar J., McAlonan G., Murphy D., Ecker C.
Patterns of Brain Maturation in Autism and Their Molecular Associations
JAMA Psychiatry, vol. 81, (no. 12)
Article Journal
Montani C., Balasco L., Pagani M., Alvino F.G., Barsotti N., de Guzman A.E., Galbusera A., de Felice A., Nickl-Jockschat T.K., Migliarini S., Casarosa S., Lau P., Mattioni L., Pasqualetti M., Provenzano G., Bozzi Y., Lombardo M.V., Gozzi A.
Sex-biasing influence of autism-associated Ube3a gene overdosage at connectomic, behavioral, and transcriptomic levels
Science advances, vol. 10, (no. 28)
Khan Y.T., Tsompanidis A., Radecki M.A., Dorfschmidt L., Zhang X., Weir E.M., Warrier V., Uzefovsky F., Srivastava D., Sichlinger L., Sakai J., Rowitch D., Polit L.D., Pavlinek A., Niakan K., Musa M., Mill J., Martinez J.G., Martin H., Lombardo M.V., Lancaster M., Hurles M., Holt R.J., Heazell A., Havdahl A., Gu Y., Greenberg D.M., Geschwind D., Gabis L., Franklin A., Floris D.L., Davies J., Cowell W., Burton G., Biron-Shental T., Bamford R., Ayeung B., Adhya D., Austin T., Suckling J., Allison C., Lai M.-C., Bethlehem R.A.I., Baron-Cohen S.
Sex Differences in Human Brain Structure at Birth
Biology of Sex Differences, vol. 15, (no. 1)

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